Saturday, March 18, 2006

Kicking (Roundhouse) into Spring

For over two months I've been taking a martial arts class. I am working on receiving my yellow belt, right now. I don't know how many belt colors I'll be able to get, but I'll try my best to gain more of them, as long as my Sensei is here to teach me. I began the class with little to no big interest or attachment to the discipline or culture. I mean, sure, I'd heard of Bruce Lee, but the whole K(g)ung Fu thing hardly registered a blip on my radar. Because our town is small and has no dance classes, which I DO have a big interest in, I signed up for these Karate classes that ARE offered nearby, in hopes of getting in shape and losing these stubborn 35 pounds which have attached themselves to me, like a leech, and won't let go. I've come to think of these pounds as a separate and alien being, an evil (almost twin) who must be destroyed in order to let the slimmer (good) me, live in total happiness. Anyway, as so often happens in life, without seeking it out with any strong purpose, I've begun to become interested in the teachings and mindset behind these arts, not just in the technical aspects, but the spiritual ones, the core from which it springs (like a tiger!)

However, still the humorful type of person I always was, this morning when I decided it was time to add a blog entry, I thought of my recently memorized 'Creed of Karate' and "Isshin-Ryu Code'.

I looked at the stark, blank page and thought:

I come to you with only munashii maindo, empty mind. I have no acumen, but should I be forced to defend myself, my honor or my principles; should it be a (gray) matter of life or death (complete brain) , or right or wrong, then here is my weapon, my empty mind. (Sai!)

What else has happened?

Oh! My son, Nate, has come to Colorado. He lives in Colorado Springs, 2 hours north of me, and is staying with his dad and step-mom, right now, but is working to get a small apartment near the college, so he can walk there. He is very bright but disabled by mental illness. He takes his meds, sees his doctors when he is supposed to, but leads a very childish and sheltered existence with his dad and step-mom. He lives on a small disability check each month, doesn't drive, but he and I are very excited that he is finally feeling able to take the (somewhat scary for him) steps to go forward, get his own place, his own life (away from his controlling dad) and may finally become the autonomous adult that he's always been able to be, but either never felt he could be, or was not encouraged to be, whichever. The main thing is that now he feels strongly that he can do this. Yay!

My daughter, Nikki, took her real estate exam and unfortuately didn't pass it, but she is undaunted, says she'll take it again, and again, if necessary. I've heard that it's an extrememly difficult test, so there's no shame in not passing it the first or second time around.

What else? Hmmm, looks like David and Kris are going to be parents again.

Talked with Ann and Gary last night. They are still in California, although they'd expected to be in Kansas by now. It may be another year before they can move to their Kansas house (no damage from recent tornado in the area) they purchased last year. Hinges on the outcome of a court hearing regarding their grandson, now living in a foster home, because his parents are unfit (drugs). We're sending our good thoughts to them, that they can gain custody of Niles and begin their retirement the way they'd hoped, in a new home and state.

Heard from Penny and Tony, our friends who moved to Roatan Island, off the Honduran coast. They've been there an entire year and feel they've mostly adjusted and are very happy in their island life.

Junie and Barker just purchased a home in Wisconsin.

Everyone making some changes.

That be about it for the moment.

Check out our internet radio station--well, mostly John's baby--The Butte Radio--link on the right of the blog.

Over and out.