I'll come back to this tonight
posted by SlybootsAndAlly @ 11:30 AM
We live in a small, depressed (for no good reason) SoCO town. Last bustled coal mining era. Awesome view of The Spanish Peaks and clean air! Moved from SoCal 6yr ago. Miss the beach, shops, restaurant choices but not smog, crowds, traffic. 2chldrn Nate&Nikki,25&24, SanDiego. 2cats Ozzy&Sparky. Tailing big5-OH; minorly alarming. We biz owners: puter shop, ISP, & new an eatery, Fedoras. Slo Go. Decor/equip as funds allow. Open '05, hope. Wknd jnkts when poss. but either work/home, tv/flicks, read, paint, online games/poetry brds, cooking, beermaking. Now&then add bits to novel begun 8 yrs ago. Says it all, right? Nite-owl. Coffee crucial a.m. Dreaded smkr, red vin, lean left, goin' Green post Election04. Grateful 4my few good friends, am solitary type, 'nuff for me. I'll wax philo or sing if you give me enough Rioja, but I wouldn't advise it(4 either event). Feel bad for everyone; people, the soldiers, all. We shouldn't be there. Flat out. Well, the cretin, Dubbya Bush & his clowns'll be checking over their shoulders rest of their lives--minor consolation. Could we gradually get off the Oil Evenflo... Right, won't see it in my lifetime. $$$$